First Time Visitors

Here are some answers to common questions from first time visitors.

Our regular Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:00am and finishes around 11:45am.

On Sunday mornings in our main sanctuary we begin our service with a song of praise led by a band consisting of people who attend this church. Those attending the service are encouraged but not required to sing along with the words provided for the songs on a projection screen at the front.

After a song or two, we take a break to share some upcoming events happening or any other announcements that may be important to you. We finish this short break by taking up an offering collection, but you are not obligated to give anything.

We then continue the service with more songs of praise, followed by a pastoral prayer which then leads into the morning teaching given by the pastor. At the end of the teaching, there may be a time for people in the service to respond by asking for prayer for any need they may have while the service is concluded with one more song of praise.

At this point, feel free to stick around in our main sanctuary or front foyer to connect with others or with the pastors.

We are generally a very casual church, come wearing what you feel comfortable in.

We have programs available for kids aged 9 and under. These are available most Sundays with some weeks off for family services. 

Lil' Connect is our nursery program for children 3 and under. Registration is open five minutes before service begins to give you time to sign in your children and make your way to the main sanctuary for the service. You can find the nursery room down the hall on the main level of our church building, there will be a sign for it above the doorway. You will be given a buzzer to take with you that will vibrate if we need you to attend to your child. At the end of service, you can come pick up your child and return the buzzer.

Kids Connect is our kids program for children aged 4-9. Registration is open five minutes before service begins at our welcome desk in the main lobby. This gives you time to sign in your child and make your way to the main sanctuary for the service. Children participating in our Kids Connect program will join their parents up until the end of our announcement time where they will be dismissed from the main service to join our Kids Connect leaders back in our main lobby. From there they will go downstairs to the main room for their program. At sign in you will be given a buzzer that will vibrate if we need you to attend to your child. After service, you can come downstairs to pick up your child and return the buzzer. 

We have connect cards available at our welcome desk in our main lobby and in the back of the pews found in our main sanctuary. We invite you to fill one out with your information and place it in our offering lockbox on our welcome desk or in the offering plates that are passed around during our collection time. We also have a form available on our contact page that you can fill out with your information or questions you may have. We hope that we can connect with you later in the week and answer any questions you may have about Walkerton Pentecostal Church and how to get involved.